Depression is a very serious medical condition.
Persistent feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, sadness, loss of interest and thoughts of suicide can all indicate a presence of depression.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the United States. It affects millions of people.
Addressing depressive symptoms as mild, moderate or severe, patients and doctors can approach treatment in a more step-by-step way. They may start with changes in diet and behavior, then move up to nutrient assessment and, if necessary, drugs. This approach may help to eliminate unnecessary use of side-effect prone antidepressants.
Cognitive behavioral therapy, a form of treatment focusing on the relationships between feelings, thoughts and behavior, can help alter patterns of negative thinking.
In fact, in recent research, cognitive therapy -- compared to anti-depressants -- in children and young teens from the age eight to 15 was the superior treatment.
Another drug-free treatment option if you're suffering from mild or moderate depression is light therapy. Using a light box treatment (which mimics the natural light without using UV rays) for 30 minutes a day lowered symptoms of depression.
A third drug-free treatment option is trans-cranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), a procedure using magnetic pulses to stimulate the part of your brain that controls emotion.
Are there any other benefits from using drug-free treatment options for depression?
Dr. Mike discusses drug-free options and how patients dealing with mild, moderate or severe forms of depression can move in a progressive way towards depression treatment.
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Drug-Free Management for Depression
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