TCM focuses on treating your body as a whole, rather than treating a specific problem. TCM uses various forms of natural remedies such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage therapy, exercise and dietary changes.
One of the most common remedies practiced from TCM is acupuncture. Acupuncture is used to stimulate specific points on your body by inserting long, thin needles through your skin. Acupuncture is most commonly used for treating chronic pain. However, did you know that acupuncture and other TCM methods have been used to help treat sexual health issues?
According to the Cleveland Clinic, approximately 40 million American women are affected by female sexual dysfunction.
What are the benefits for women's sexual health that can be garnered through acupuncture?
There could be many reasons why your sexual health is out of whack. You may suffer from low libido, symptoms of menopause, experience pain during intercourse, hormonal imbalances, or feel stressed. By incorporating acupuncture and other TCM remedies, you can use a natural way to cure your sexual health issues without any drastic side effects.
How else can you use TCM and acupuncture to improve sexual health?
Dr. Mao Shing Ni discusses what TCM is, the benefits of TCM, and why it can help treat women's sexual health issues.