Selected Podcast

MealEnders: Changing Dessert Habits

MealEnders: Changing Dessert Habits
It’s nice to cap a meal with something sweet. Of course, it’s all too easy to binge on dessert.

MealEnders has created food-based lozenges that provide a measured dose of sweet with a stimulation for your nerves, cueing you to think about the next activity on your agenda. The lozenge meets the sweet need without leading you into a cookie binge.

Listen as Tami Lyon joins Dr. Pamela Peeke to discuss how MealEnders is helping people enjoy the sweet treat as they become more mindful about food.


Smarty Pants Vitamins
Featured Speaker:
Tami Lyon, MPH, RD
Tami LyonTami J. Lyon, MPH, RD, is a registered dietitian who has been helping people meet their nutrition and wellness goals for 25 years. She specializes in eating and weight disorders and sports nutrition, and has worked in counseling and education at UCLA Medical Center and UC Berkeley Health Services.

Now in private practice, Tami helps clients achieve their dietary and health goals through sensible, scientifically-based methods.

As chief nutrition officer for MealEnders, she develops nutrition, weight management, and MealEnders product usage advice for the company to share with its customers in support of their healthy living goals.