In the newly released movie, Concussion, Dr. Bennet Omalu, a pathologist played by Will Smith, reveals the link between repeated concussions in football and long-term brain damage.
Today, UCLA traumatic brain injury expert, Christopher Giza, MD, in the Department of Neurosurgery at UCLA, has continued to advance this research and science of concussions on the brain for athletes and soldiers.
A concussion is a minor traumatic brain injury that can occur when your head hits an object, or a moving object strikes the head. It can affect how the brain works for a short period, and can cause bad headache, changes in alertness, or loss of consciousness.
Athletes in the U.S. suffer up to 3.8 million head injuries each year. And kids, teens and young adults with still-developing brains are among the most frequently and severely injured.
What continued research is being done on concussions?
Listen in as Dr. Giza shares what a concussion is, as well as the latest research.