In the United States, 11 percent of children aged 4-17 (almost 7 million children) have been diagnosed with ADHD.
Most of the diagnosed (about 70 percent) are never treated.
ADHD is not a discipline problem. It is a medical condition that presents as a set of symptoms with a range of possible underlying causes unique to each child. ADHD is a genetically-caused neurological disorder that can be controlled with brain-assisting drugs.
But, to truly heal, your ADHD child needs individualized treatment to uncover and correct a unique pattern of deficiencies and excesses that affect the brain and trigger symptoms.
James M. Greenblatt, MD, is an integrative psychiatrist who has treated thousands of ADHD cases. His new book, Finally Focused, provides a comprehensive, individualized solution to your ADHD child’s unique biological imbalances.
It is the first book to identify and resolve the real causes of your child’s ADHD. Finally Focused is about finally giving parents the assistance they need to help their child recover from this medical disorder and thrive.
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Finally Focused: The Breakthrough Natural Treatment Plan for ADHD that Restores Attention, Minimizes Hyperactivity and Helps Eliminate Drug Side Effects