Are you the type of person who has to know exactly what's going to happen, moment to moment?
Allison Carmen spent many years fighting a powerful addiction. It wasn’t drugs, alcohol or fame. It was an addiction to certainty.
We all create stories to structure our lives, to varying degrees. But, some individuals are so attached to those stories that when life doesn't follow the plan, they completely fall apart.
Allison finally came to understand the beauty of "maybe" and how much it can open you up.
Life can unfold in many different ways. Maybe you're not supposed to know all the answers. Not knowing doesn't equal being unsafe.
If you're not happy today, uncertainty is your best friend. It's where all your hope and possibilities lie.
Much of the angst comes from attaching to a plan and an outcome. Instead of shutting down when things don't go according to that plan, open yourself up to all the wonderful things that can happen.
Try to separate the moment from the projection. Maybe doesn't mean you're not going to suffer. There will be tough times. Allow the negative experience, but also allow yourself to realize the next moments are unknown and hold promise.
Listen in as Allison joins Lisa to explain the empowerment of "maybe" and how you can use uncertainty to fill your life with wonderful, beautiful moments.