Yoga pants aren't just for women.
Well, maybe the pants are, but certainly not yoga classes.
Jake Panasevich found his love for yoga after being dragged, kicking and screaming, to his first class.
As he began to practice it more regularly, Jake found that his chronic pain was eliminated, and he lost weight, slept better, and felt more connected.
Now, Jake is an instructor who helps people of all shapes and sizes -- both men and women -- achieve the benefits that accompany yoga.
Jake's unique approach is a practical philosophy of achieving depth and connection; there's no "preaching" about it. He believes yoga doesn't have to include a spiritual or mystical element, which a lot of guys tend to get turned off by. His teachings aim for you to be a better man, dad, husband, etc., all while allowing for the physical perks.
Listen in as Jake joins host Lisa Davis to discuss his yoga philosophy, why he holds men-only "broga" courses, and how anyone can realize both physical and mental/emotional gains by practicing yoga.