Life's Too Short... so make the most of it! Try something new, eat something healthy, grow something beautiful, hug someone you love, move around a lot, and be kind to yourself. Melanie Cole, MS brings you the best tips from lifestyle and fitness experts to the best and brightest medical professionals.

Encore Episode: Your Missing Beach Body

From the Show: Life's Too Short
Summary: Where did your beach body go? How do you get it back?
Air Date: 6/26/18
Duration: 21:40
Host: Melanie Cole, MS
Guest Bio: Brian Parr, PhD
Dr. Brian ParrBrian Parr, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Exercise and Sports Science at the University of South Carolina Aiken where he teaches courses in exercise physiology, nutrition, and health behaviors.

He also conducts research related to physical activity and weight loss.
Spring has sprung. It’s almost time to hit the beach. Maybe you’ve got some winter warming weight padding you out more than you would like when you slip into your swimsuit.

Your ideal beach body may be your shape from your twenties. You have to trace back when things changed so you can get closer to the idea. Activity levels change, as do lifestyles and eating habits. Aging can’t be helped, but other factors can.

Consider adding extra activity breaks at work. Take the stairs or walk to the mailbox.

View your eating habits to see what food is available. Focus on eating real food. Be conscious of when you eat and why you eat. Modify your environment as much as you can.

You need dedicated exercise to see changes beyond being physically active. That’s the way you change your body composition. It should include some form of resistance training, cardio or aerobic training, and flexibility. Change up your workout if it gets boring.

Most importantly, be realistic. Find a balance between what you’re happy with and what you’re willing to do. Anything you’re doing is moving you in the right direction. There will always be someone who is stronger, faster and fitter than you. Shift the focus from a number on the scale to how you feel.

Listen as Dr. Brian Parr joins Melanie Cole, MS, to share how to get your new beach body back.

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